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What To Do In A Dental Emergency

by Jeremiah Barnett

There are many times when a dental emergency may occur when you are not able to see your regular dentist. This could be a knocked out tooth on a holiday, a lost crown or filling after normal dental clinic hours, or a severe toothache on the weekend when the dentist office is closed. It may not be possible to live with this kind of pain for very long, and you may need to see a dentist right away. This is when an emergency dental clinic can be extremely useful. An emergency dental clinic will ensure that you get the dental care you need no matter when the emergency occurs. Below are some tips to help you in certain dental emergencies so that when you do get to the emergency dental clinic, you can be better prepared.

1. Knocked Out Teeth. One dental emergency that is quite common in sports is when teeth are knocked out. Many times, these teeth can be saved and be replanted into the mouth. The first thing that needs to be done is to pick up the tooth by the crown. Rinse off the roots of the tooth and try to insert it back into the socket. Do not force it. If this does not work, you can put the tooth into a glass of milk and immediately make your way to the emergency dental clinic.

2. Lost Filling or Crown. Another dental emergency that can be quite painful is when a filling is lost or a crown falls off. If this happens to you, you will want to get to a dental clinic as soon as possible. In the meantime, you will want to protect the exposed tooth. If you have the crown, you will want to rinse it and replace it if possible. For a lost filling, you can use some sugar free gum or dental cement to cover the exposed area until you can see a dentist.

3. Toothache. A toothache can occur for a number of reasons. These can be extremely painful. There a number of things that can be done to help with the pain until you can see the dentist at the emergency clinic. You can take a painkiller which will help to nullify the pain. You may also want to rinse your mouth with salt water. This can help get rid of any infections and reduce the pain.

These are just a few of the things that you can do to help you in a medical emergency until you are able to see the dentist at an emergency medical clinic. For more information, talk to someone like Dr. David K. Skeels.
