No More Natural Teeth: Deciding Between Implants and Dentures

2 Milestones In Your Baby's Dental Development And The Measures You Should Take

by Jeremiah Barnett

Your baby's mouth will go through multiple developmental phases as his or her teeth present. Here are two of the milestones that your baby will encounter in his or her dental development and some of the measures you should take those periods:


Some babies begin teething at around four months. However, the first primary tooth may not emerge until your little one reaches six to 12 months of age. To help soothe your teething baby's sore gums, apply a cold, wet cloth or rub the gums with the smooth back of a chilled spoon. Refrain from offering your child teething biscuits due to their sugar content and prolonged time in the mouth.

In addition, clean your baby's gums in the morning and before bedtime by rubbing them lightly with a damp washcloth to remove plaque.  

Presentation of the First Tooth

No Bottles of Milk to Fall Asleep

Once your child's first tooth erupts, it is important to ensure that he or she is not using a bottle filled with anything other than water to fall asleep. Milk and juice contain natural sugars that promote tooth decay by feeding oral bacteria, which release decay-causing acid as a byproduct of their digestion.

When your child falls asleep with a bottle in his or her mouth, the liquid pools in the mouth and rests on the teeth. Normally, when your child is awake, he or she swallows the liquid quickly, and saliva helps rinse away any residue in the mouth. However, during sleep, saliva production declines, and your little one may not readily swallow.


Even if your child only has one or two teeth, it is important to keep them healthy. The primary teeth serve as placeholders for underlying permanent teeth. In addition, a severe case of tooth decay can spread beneath the gums.

To keep your child's teeth clean, brush them in the morning and before bedtime with a soft-bristled brush designed for small toddlers, or you can use a silicone finger toothbrush that you can place over your finger and rub along your baby's first teeth.

First Dental Visit

As soon as the first tooth appears, it is time to take your baby to the dentist. It is generally best to select a pediatric dentist for your child's dental care. The office of a children's dentist is usually decorated in a manner that is friendly and inviting for a young child, so your child is less likely to be frightened by the environment. In addition, the staff of a pediatric dentist is accustomed to dealing with children and trained to provide gentle, non-threatening care.

Your child's oral care is important. If your little one's first tooth has already erupted and you have not scheduled the first dental visit, contact a pediatric dentist like Myriam Cerezo DMD
