No More Natural Teeth: Deciding Between Implants and Dentures

What To Expect From Teething

by Jeremiah Barnett

If you are the parent of a small baby, you may be feeling overwhelmed about the teething process. Although teething, which is the common name of the systematic eruption of the primary teeth, is natural, it can also be uncomfortable. 

Here are a few details about this stage of oral development to help you know what to expect from it.

When Does Teething Occur?

Teething usually starts during the first year of a baby's life. For some babies, the first primary teeth don't peak through the gums until the little ones are between six and twelve months of age. However, other youngsters may start to teethe a couple of months earlier.

What Are the Symptoms of Teething?

When your baby is teething, they are likely to experience the following:

  • Gum swelling and tenderness
  • Red gums
  • Drooling
  • Oral discomfort that causes the urge to gnaw or bite
  • Low-grade fever
  • Fussiness
  • Increase or decrease in sleep

Your baby may experience one or more of the symptoms listed. However, it is not unusual if the little one does not experience all of them.

As you notice indications that your child is teething, try not to assume that every discomfort that your child is experiencing is due to teething. If additional symptoms arise, such as a cough or vomiting, your little one may have contracted an illness and should be seen by a physician.

How Do You Soothe a Teething Baby?

There are measures that you can take to reduce your teething baby's discomfort. Here are a few of them:

  • Give them something cold to chew on. The gingival pain that occurs as the teeth try to break through the gums can be reduced by applying counter pressure with a cold washcloth or teething ring.
  • Try an over-the-counter pain reliever. Oral analgesics can be applied directly to the gums. Additionally, pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can be dispensed in a liquid form that is easy for your baby to swallow.
  • Wipe away the drool. As your baby teethes, the excessive drooling can irritate the skin surrounding the mouth, causing a rash or chafing. This irritation can be avoided by keeping the skin clean and dry.
  • Give your baby teething toys. There are many different toys that are designed for teething babies. Many include textured rubber surfaces to soothe itchy or uncomfortable gums. Some are also filled with a liquid that can be chilled in a freezer to offer even more relief.

For more information about teething, schedule a consultation with a dental clinic like Naas Family Dentistry in your local area.
