No More Natural Teeth: Deciding Between Implants and Dentures

Often Overlooked Symptoms That Indicate You Need To See A Dentist

by Jeremiah Barnett

Obviously, you need to see a dentist if you develop tooth pain, break a tooth, or see a brown spot on your tooth. However, there are many more subtle signs of dental problems that patients often overlook. Failing to have these problems addressed promptly may cause them to get a lot worse. So, if you develop any of the following symptoms, it is a good idea to call your dentist sooner rather than later.

Ongoing Bad Breath

Everyone has bad breath now and then. It's when your bad breath does not go away with tooth brushing that you should be concerned. Persistent bad breath can indicate that you have a cavity somewhere. You may simply not be able to see it because it is between the teeth, on the chewing surface of a top molar, or on the inside of your front teeth. Either way, having it filled before it gets any larger is important. Persistent bad breath can also be an indicator of gum disease, which generally indicates you need your teeth professionally cleaned — and you may also need a more involved cleaning procedure like root scaling and planing.

Tooth Sensitivity

When you take a sip of something hot or cold, do your teeth feel like they're lighting up with electricity or pain? Sometimes people just shrug and figure they can't eat hot or cold foods anymore. There's a myth that this is just a normal effect of aging — but it's not! Tooth sensitivity does become more common with age, but that's only because the issues that cause it becomes more common with age. It can indicate that you have a hidden cavity, receding gums, or an infected tooth root. Once the offending issue is treated, you should be able to eat and drink hot and cold foods comfortably once again.

Jaw Pain

There are many different types of jaw pain. Some patients have pain in the morning that lessens as they go through the day. Others have pain after they chew. In any case, jaw pain is a good reason to see your dentist. Your teeth may not be lining up properly, causing you to hold your jaw in a way that makes it sore. Or, you may have an infection in a tooth root that is starting to affect your jaw.

Remember, your dentist is an expert in treating all sorts of problems with the teeth and gums. If there is anything at all wrong with your mouth, don't hesitate to give them a call. 
