No More Natural Teeth: Deciding Between Implants and Dentures

4 Questions About A Frenectomy Dental Procedure

by Jeremiah Barnett

Have you taken your child to the dentist, and they informed you that they could benefit from having a frenectomy procedure done? This procedure is when the extra tissue that connects the child's lip to their gums is removed. This tissue can cause several problems if not removed. Here are a few common questions you may have about the frenectomy procedure.  

Why Is A Frenectomy Necessary?

The frenum is essentially tissue that connects the gums to the lips. This band of tissue can actually pull on the edge of the gums, which causes problems in several ways. It can cause an issue with gum recession by pulling the gums away, or a large frenum between two teeth can cause a gap to form between them. 

Even if it is just a cosmetic related problem, a frenectomy is usually recommended due to how easy it is to perform and the benefits that it can provide. If performed early enough, a frenectomy can prevent the need for a child to get braces later in life. As their adult teeth come in, they will have the room to shift into the proper position naturally. 

How Is A Frenectomy Performed?

The patient's mouth will be numbed before the procedure begins, and then a laser is removed to cut away at that gum tissue. It is a painless and effective procedure, and doesn't take long to perform either. It only takes a few minutes for the dentist to remove the tissue that is causing problems. 

How Long Will Recovery From A Frenectomy Take?

It will take a few days to recover from a frenectomy procedure. The gum tissue will feel sore where the laser cuts the excess tissue. However, the laser works in a way that cauterizes the tissue so that it doesn't bleed. This makes recovery easier than you may think, because there is no need to put gauze against the surgical site to absorb the blood. Instead, recovery is as simple as eating softer foods for a few days. You may even want to give your child popsicles for those first few days to make the experience more enjoyable for them. 

What Complications Can Happen After A Frenectomy?

Like any medical procedure, there are risks that come with getting a frenectomy. Contact your dentist if the area has pain or swelling, which is not normal after a frenectomy. This could be a sign that there is an infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics. 

Contact a local family dental office to learn more. 
