No More Natural Teeth: Deciding Between Implants and Dentures

Dental Implants: A Smile's New Lease on Life After Gum Disease

by Jeremiah Barnett

Imagine this: you've been grappling with gum disease, but finally, it's under control. Now, there's just one obstacle standing between you and that perfect smile: missing teeth. But don't worry, dental implants are here to save the day.

What Are Dental Implants?

They're artificial tooth roots, typically made of titanium, that provide a solid foundation for replacement teeth. They're designed to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, so no one will ever know they're not the real deal.

Why Choose Dental Implants?

You might be thinking that dental bridges or other solutions might be better for you. While those options can work for some, they're not right for everyone. Here's why dental implants could be a better fit:

Stability: Dental implants are anchored into your jawbone, which means they won't slip or shift in your mouth. That's a big plus when you're eating or speaking!

Durability: With proper care, dental implants can potentially last a lifetime. That's longer than any bridge or denture can promise.

Oral Health: Unlike bridges, dental implants don't require reducing other teeth. More of your own teeth are left intact when you have this procedure done, improving long-term oral health.

The Dental Implant Process

Getting dental implants isn't an overnight process, but it's worth the wait. Here's what you can expect:

Consultation: Your dentist will examine your mouth, then take X-rays, and discuss your treatment options. If you're a good candidate for dental implants, they'll create a customized treatment plan for you.

Implant Placement: During a minor surgical procedure, your dental specialist will place the dental implants into your jawbone.

Healing Process: Over the next few months, your jaw bone will grow around the dental implant in a process called osseointegration. This creates a strong foundation for your new teeth.

Abutment Placement: Once the dental implant has bonded with your jaw bone, your dentist will attach an abutment to the implant. This piece will hold your new tooth.

Crown Placement: Finally, your dentist will place a custom-made crown onto the abutment. The result? A beautiful, natural-looking tooth that functions just like a real one.

Dental Implants After Gum Disease

It's a valid concern. After all, gum disease is a leading cause of tooth loss.

The good news is that, once your gum disease is under control, you can still be a candidate for dental implants. In fact, dental implants can even help prevent future gum disease by filling in gaps where bacteria could accumulate.

Remember, it's important to maintain good oral hygiene and have regular dental checkups to keep gum disease at bay and ensure the success of your dental implants.

Dental implants are a wise solution for those looking to restore their smile after overcoming gum disease. They're stable, durable, and beneficial to overall oral health. So why not take that next step towards a healthier, happier smile? Your perfect teeth could be just a dental implant away.

For more information about dental implants, contact a dental professional in your area.
