No More Natural Teeth: Deciding Between Implants and Dentures

Everything You Need to Know about Dentures

by Jeremiah Barnett

As you age, you may find yourself facing the decision of whether to get dentures. Whether it’s due to age, injury, or dental issues, dentures can be a great solution to restore your smile and improve your quality of life.

Understanding Dentures

Dentures serve as removable substitutes for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. They are available in two primary forms, which are complete and partial dentures. Complete dentures are used when all natural teeth are missing, while partial dentures are chosen when some natural teeth remain.

The Making of Dentures

The process of getting dentures involves several steps. Initially, a dental impression is taken, which serves as a model for the creation of the dentures. Once the dentures have been made, they are adjusted to ensure a comfortable fit. Quality dentures are designed to mimic the look of natural teeth, providing a seamless aesthetic.

Benefits of Dentures

Dentures offer numerous benefits. Firstly, they restore the ability to eat and speak properly, improving the overall quality of life. Secondly, dentures maintain facial structure by providing support for lips and cheeks, preventing sagging facial muscles. Lastly, they contribute to a confident smile, enhancing social interactions and self-esteem.

Adjustment Period

Adapting to new dentures takes time and patience. Initially, wearers may experience discomfort, slight soreness, and an increase in saliva production as they adjust to their new prosthetic. Speaking and eating may also seem challenging during the first few weeks. However, these issues typically lessen as one becomes accustomed to their dentures. It's important to follow the dentist's advice closely during this period, including practicing speaking and eating with the dentures and using a recommended cleanser for maintenance. 

Caring for Dentures

Proper care of dentures is vital for their longevity and the health of the mouth. This includes frequent cleaning to remove food particles and plaque, regular check-ups with the dentist to ensure a proper fit, and handling them carefully to avoid damage.

Dentures are a common and effective solution for missing teeth. With the advancements in dental technology, they offer a natural-looking and comfortable alternative to traditional tooth replacement methods. By understanding the different types of dentures available and properly caring for them, individuals can enjoy the benefits of restored oral function and confidence. If you are considering dentures as an option, consult with a dental professional to determine the best course of treatment for your unique situation.

Learn more about dentures today.
